Mission and Vision


We, members of Sta. Catalina College – Manila commit ourselves to the evangelizing mission of the Church for the integral faith formation that promotes academic proficiency and Gospel values lived by Venerable Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes.


We envision Sta. Catalina College – Manila to be creative and responsive agent of evangelization through its fidelity to the training of proficient and value-laden students.


  1. To strengthen the integration of the Gospel values lived by Venerable Mother Francisca in all aspects of the operation of the school.
  2. To empower all stakeholders to imbibe a transformative education that upholds creative and holistic programs.
  3. To implement an action plan that ensures resiliency and sustainability


Passion for Truth, Compassion for Humanity.

Core Values

Contemplation, Communion, Compassion, Creation