
In order to promote a climate of mutual trust, concern and cooperation in the campus, various co-curricular activities are held. These activities serve as venues for fostering social attitudes, cooperation, initiative, responsibility and Christian leadership among students. They aim to meet the needs of the students to develop their talents, inclinations and experience with others.

Organization and Policies

Student activities should not interrupt or interfere with students’ actual academic classes but should instead add to the Christian and holistic formation of students.
  1. Club membership should be voluntary. A student should be a member of at least one club.
  2. The authority to recognize any student organization is vested on the Coordinator of Student Affairs and sanctioned by the Principal.
  3. Recognition of clubs/organizations by the school, however, shall not on that account include the right to use the facilities of the school without the permission from the proper authority.
  4. Recruitment of members starts in the second week after the school opening and lasts for a period of two weeks.
  5. Every organization is obliged to submit a copy of its objectives, constitution and by-laws and a list of its officers and members to the Coordinator of Student Affairs.
  6. Each organization should meet at least twice a month and a copy of the minutes of their meeting should be submitted after a week to the Coordinator of Student Affairs.
  7. A program Budget Proposal must be submitted to the Coordinator of Student Affairs
  8. Performance and Budget reports must be submitted to the Coordinator of Student Affairs two weeks before the final examination.
  9. Recognition of every pupil/student organization is renewable every year. Failure on the part of the student organization to comply with the above requirements shall be sufficient cause for the cancellation or withdrawal of the granted recognition.

Qualifications of Club Officers

The student must possess good moral character and ability to foster good emotional rapport and harmonious relationship with fellow students. She must possess the qualities of a good and effective leader and follower. She must be articulate, creative and efficient

Student Organization and Clubs

The clubs of the Basic Education Department are organized to provide the pupils/students with activities which are geared towards the realization of the goals and objectives of Sta. Catalina College for their total development. Since Sta. Catalina College adheres to a philosophy of life that is founded in the Catholic vision of man and inspired by the Dominican ideals, the student activity program provides ample opportunities for pupils/students that will help promote the charism, the vision and mission of the OP Siena Schools System, that is “to share with others the good thing one has in life,” or compassion for humanity.

A. SPECIAL CLUBS- First and Second Level

1. Student Coordinating Board. This is organized to develop Christian leadership and responsibility in the operation of the school’s objectives thus making deeply committed Christians who extend helping hands to others.

  1. To act as an official representative of the Basic Education Department in bringing out the matters relating to the educational, moral, social, and spiritual upliftment of the students to the school’s authorities.
  2. To represent students to the faculty members and school authorities on vital problems by offering solutions or suggestions for the mutual benefit of both.
  3. To foster harmonious relationships among pupils/students, members of the faculty and the school authorities in all official activities of the school and bring about unity and coherence among the pupils/students.
  4. To serve as DOMNET core group

2. (Confraternity of Mother Francisca Del Espiritu Santo) Core Group 

  1. To deepen the awareness and knowledge of people about the heroic life and virtues of Mother Francisca Del Espiritu Santo in the light of the Gospel (study/information).
  2. To provide opportunities for imitating Christ as exemplified by Mother Francisca Del Espiritu Santo (formation)
  3. To serve as instruments in spreading the heroic life and holiness of Mother Francisca (promotion)
  4. To encourage people to pray for the intercession of Mother Francisca (devotion)
  5. To strengthen the partnership with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena (Philippines) in continuing the contemplative and missionary spirit of Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo in her love for prayer and service of charity to the sick, the poor and the young (mission).

3. Knights of the Altar. This organization provides the young boys/girls various ways and opportunities for a closer union with God during the Mass, deeper love and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints. They are trained to be of service to others in the school and the community by assisting the priest during Mass.

4. SCC Chorale. This club provides the best opportunity for musical experience among the children and students and enhances the talents in singing which is a gift from God. The members of this club assist in the celebration of the Eucharist by serving as choirs/cantors.


  1.  Theater/ Performing Arts Club. This club develops the appreciation and love for the literary works, being an articulate speaker and a good listener. It helps to acquire refinement in oral and written expressions through the use of clean language (English/Filipino). It encourages the students to enrich their God-given talents and skills in performing arts, to express their ideas and emotions freely through acting, dancing and singing, and to strengthen the bond between and among the members by sharing their talents and skills with each other.
  2. Earth Savers Club. This club aims to know more about science and technology that help explore nature and environment to inculcate right attitude towards the preservation of the environment through the use of recycled materials, to help the pupils be interested about science and wonders and discoveries and acquire proper understanding of their relationship with God, fellowmen, self, and nature.
  3. Catherinean and Journalists Club. This club aims to develop the appreciation and love for the varied forms of literary and art works, to keep an account of the activities that happens in the school throughout the year, to express one’s ideas, feelings, and views in written form, to keep a daily account of one’s activities and observations, and develop in the student the interests in arts requisite to the realization of his full potential as a worthy member of the church, school, home and community.
  4. Future Homemakers Club. This club is organized to inculcate the right attitude towards work and home responsibility for a happy and closer community which is generous with time, talents, and resources.
  5. Sports Club (Indoor and Outdoor). This club is organized to develop God-given talents, skills and sportsmanship among the children through active participation in the different sports activities. It brings children into full essence of their roles in school especially in extra-curricular activities.
  6. MATH-whiz Club. This club is organized to enhance the skills of students in Mathematics.